OWASP Guide Project

OWASP Guide Project


4 min read

Testing Checklist

  • WSTG-CONF - Configuration and Deploy Management Testing

    • WSTG-CONF-01 Test Network Infrastructure Configuration

      • WSTG-CONF-02 Test Application Platform Configuration

      • WSTG-CONF-03 Test File Extensions Handling for Sensitive Information

      • WSTG-CONF-04 Review Old Backup and Unreferenced Files for Sensitive Information

      • WSTG-CONF-05 Enumerate Infrastructure and Application Admin Interfaces

      • WSTG-CONF-06 Test HTTP Methods

      • WSTG-CONF-07 Test HTTP Strict Transport Security

      • WSTG-CONF-08 Test RIA Cross Domain Policy

      • WSTG-CONF-09 Test File Permission

      • WSTG-CONF-10 Test for Subdomain Takeover

      • WSTG-CONF-11 Test Cloud Storage

      • WSTG-CONF-12 Testing for Content Security Policy

  • Configure your Next.js 14 application following OWASP WSTG-CONF security best practices:

  • 1. Configuration Management

    Create a solid configuration structure for your Next.js 14 app:

      // next.config.js
      const nextConfig = {
        // Prevent exposing environment variables to the browser
        // Only variables prefixed with NEXT_PUBLIC_ will be available client-side
        env: {
          // Server-only variables that won't be exposed to the client
          API_SECRET: process.env.API_SECRET,
        // Enable strict mode for React components
        reactStrictMode: true,
        // Implement Content Security Policy headers
        headers: async () => {
          return [
              source: '/:path*',
              headers: [
                  key: 'Content-Security-Policy',
                  value: "default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self' data:; font-src 'self' data:;"
                  key: 'X-Content-Type-Options',
                  value: 'nosniff',
                  key: 'X-Frame-Options',
                  value: 'DENY',
                  key: 'X-XSS-Protection',
                  value: '1; mode=block',
      module.exports = nextConfig;

    2. Environment Variables Management

    Create .env files but never commit them to version control:

      # .env.local (don't commit this file)
      # Client-side variables (will be exposed)

    Add .env*.local to your .gitignore file:

      # .gitignore

    3. HTTP Methods and Headers Configuration

    For API routes, implement proper method handling:

      // pages/api/example.js
      export default function handler(req, res) {
        // Allow only specific HTTP methods
        if (req.method !== 'POST' && req.method !== 'GET') {
          return res.status(405).json({ error: 'Method not allowed' });
        // Handle the request based on the method
        if (req.method === 'POST') {
          // Process POST request
        } else {
          // Process GET request

    4. File Extension and Asset Handling

    Configure your Next.js app to handle assets securely:

      // next.config.js
      module.exports = {
        // ...other config
        // Control which file types can be imported
        images: {
          domains: ['trusted-domain.com'],
          formats: ['image/webp', 'image/png', 'image/jpeg'],
        // Configure redirects to avoid exposing sensitive endpoints
        async redirects() {
          return [
              source: '/admin',
              destination: '/api/auth/signin',
              permanent: false,

    5. Authentication Configuration (prevent default credentials)

    If using NextAuth.js:

      // pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].js
      import NextAuth from 'next-auth';
      import CredentialsProvider from 'next-auth/providers/credentials';
      export default NextAuth({
        providers: [
            // Custom authentication logic
            async authorize(credentials) {
              // Implement proper auth, never hardcode credentials
              // ...authentication code
        // Set secure cookies in production
        cookies: {
          sessionToken: {
            name: `__Secure-next-auth.session-token`,
            options: {
              httpOnly: true,
              sameSite: 'lax',
              path: '/',
              secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
        // Configure sessions
        session: {
          strategy: 'jwt',
          maxAge: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60, // 30 days
        // Implement callbacks for additional security checks
        callbacks: {
          async jwt({ token, user }) {
            // Add custom claims
            return token;

    6. Deployment Configuration

    Create a secure deployment setup:

      // middleware.ts
      import { NextResponse } from 'next/server';
      import type { NextRequest } from 'next/server';
      export function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
        // Add security headers to all responses
        const response = NextResponse.next();
        // Set secure headers
        response.headers.set('Strict-Transport-Security', 'max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload');
        response.headers.set('Referrer-Policy', 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin');
        response.headers.set('Permissions-Policy', 'camera=(), microphone=(), geolocation=()');
        return response;
      export const config = {
        matcher: '/((?!_next/static|_next/image|favicon.ico).*)',

    7. Preventing Backup Files and Information Leakage

    Add these patterns to your .gitignore:

      # .gitignore
      # Dependencies
      # Next.js build output
      # Environment variables
      # Debug logs
      # Editor files
      # Backup files

    8. Additional Security Considerations

    • Use a rate limiter for API routes to prevent abuse

    • Implement proper CSRF protection

    • Configure proper CORS settings for your API routes

    • Use SRI (Subresource Integrity) for external scripts

    • Regularly update dependencies with npm audit fix