Optimizing Speed: Using PNPM for Better NPM Performance

Optimizing Speed: Using PNPM for Better NPM Performance


3 min read

What is pnpm?

pnpm (performant npm) is a fast, disk space-efficient package manager for JavaScript. It's an alternative to npm and Yarn that optimizes how node modules are stored and linked.

Why Use pnpm?

  • Fast Installation: pnpm is much faster than npm and Yarn because it uses hard links and symlinks to store dependencies.

  • Disk Space Saving: It saves disk space by sharing packages across projects using a global content-addressable store.

  • Strict Dependency Tree: Unlike npm, pnpm enforces a stricter dependency tree that helps avoid version mismatches.

  • Monorepo Support: Built-in monorepo support without needing extra tools.

How to Install pnpm

npm install -g pnpm


corepack enable
corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate

Basic Usage

  1. Initialize a project:
pnpm init
  1. Install dependencies:
pnpm install <package-name>
  1. Run scripts:
pnpm run <script-name>
  1. Remove packages:
pnpm remove <package-name>

Why Developers Love pnpm

  • Faster than npm and Yarn

  • More secure due to its strict package resolution

  • Easy monorepo management

  • Automatic deduplication

๐Ÿ”ฅ Comparison: pnpm vs npm vs Yarn

Let's break down how pnpm, npm, and Yarn compare in terms of performance, features, and usability.

Speed๐Ÿš€ Very Fast (uses hard links)โšก Fast (improved with npm v7+)โšก Fast (similar to npm)
Disk Usage๐Ÿ”ฅ Lowest (shares packages globally)โŒ High (duplicate packages across projects)โš ๏ธ Moderate (but not as optimized as pnpm)
Monorepo Supportโœ… Built-in (workspaces)โš ๏ธ Limited (npm workspaces)โœ… Native (Yarn workspaces)
Dependency Lockโœ… pnpm-lock.yaml (strict, deterministic)โœ… package-lock.jsonโœ… yarn.lock
Offline Installโœ… (Global store cache)โš ๏ธ Limitedโœ… (With yarn cache)
Security๐Ÿ”ฅ High (Strict package isolation)โš ๏ธ Moderateโš ๏ธ Moderate
Node.js Compatibilityโœ… (Node 14+)โœ… (Default)โœ… (Node 12+)
Popularityโญ Rising fast (loved by Vue, Vite, and Turborepo)๐Ÿ”ฅ Most widely usedโœ… Popular in React community
CLI Experience๐Ÿง  Modern & Developer-friendly๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Standard๐Ÿ”ฅ Better than npm

๐Ÿ’ช Which One Should You Use?

Use CaseRecommendation
Performance Focuspnpm ๐Ÿš€
Best Compatibilitynpm
Monorepo Projectspnpm or Yarn
Large Projects with CacheYarn
Simplicity for Beginnersnpm

โœ… My Recommendation

If you're building...Use
Vue.js, Vite, or Monorepospnpm ๐Ÿ”ฅ
Legacy Projectsnpm
React or TypeScript AppsYarn

How to Migrate

npmpnpm import
Yarnpnpm import