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⚠️ 1. Use noExternal for SSR Dependencies By default, Vite externalizes dependencies, meaning they are not bundled. However, some packages (like...
🚀 Vite + SSR (Server-Side Rendering) Custom Setup Guide Vite supports SSR, but unlike Next.js, it requires a manual Express (or Fastify) server to...
🔥 Introduction to Vite.js Vite (French for "fast") is a modern frontend build tool that provides an extremely fast development experience for modern...
In TypeScript, there are several built-in utility types that make it easier to manipulate types in a flexible, dynamic way. Here are some of the most...
1. Advantages of Converting to TypeScript Type Safety: TypeScript allows you to define types for your variables, props, state, and functions. This...
Intro to ReactJS basic - Part 1 ☘️☘️☘️React JS Virtual DOM Explained - Part 2 🌲🌲🌲Advance React Hooks - Part 3💯💯💯React Context Guide - Part 4...